
Contact Person


Contact Person





Diselenggarakan oleh :

S2 Imu Fisika,
Pascasarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Bekerjasama dengan:

Alumni S2 Ilmu Fisika

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Posted: 2017-07-23 More...

Biaya Pendaftaran


Biaya Pendaftaran

1. Pemakalah


Rp. 200.000,-

Mahasiswa S2/S3

Rp. 150.000,-

Mahasiswa S1

Rp. 100.000,-

2. Non-Pemakalah


Non-Pemakalah (dengan Sertifikat)

Rp. 50.000,-

Tiga angka terakhir pada nomor HP pengirim ditambahkan pada biaya pendaftaran.

Misal Rp 200.481,-

Pembayaran Melalui Transfer ke

Nama Bank

: BSI (Bank Syariah Indonesia)

No. Rekening

: 5832758900

Atas Nama

: Ihtiari Prastyaningrum

Catatan (opsional)

: SNFA-Nama penulis pertama/peserta

Bukti Transfer diupload pada form yang tersedia:


Posted: 2017-07-23 More...

Extended deadline for submitting final full papers


Dear Authors,Thank you for your engagement and interest in being a part of the ICMETA 2016. Due to numerous requests, the organizing committee has decided to extend the final full paper submission deadline until December 13, 2016 (midnight, Western Indonesian Time). Please note this limited extension will be the only extension. We hope, that this will provide interested participants an opportunity to finalize (or update) and submit their full papers.
Please refer to the call of papers and the submit page for any additional inquiry regarding the submission process.
We hope you will take advantage of the extended deadline to submit your full paper. We look forward to hearing from you.

Regards and thanks,
ICMETA Committee

Posted: 2016-11-30 More...

Rundown & Presentation Schedule

Please click HERE to download the conference rundown  
Posted: 2016-11-28 More...

Pamflet, leaflet









Posted: 2016-06-23